Archive für Kategorie: Tanzen

„Pray with your woman, sing with your woman, play with your woman, dance with your woman, with no idea of sex. Don’t go on thinking, ‚When are we going to bed?‘ Forget about it. Do something else and get lost into it. And some day love will arise out of that being lost, suddenly you will see that you are making love and you are not making it. It is happening, you are possessed by it. Then you have your first Tantra experience – possessed by something bigger than you. You were dancing or you were singing together or you were chanting together or you were praying together or meditating together, and suddenly you find you both have moved into a new space. And you don’t know when you have started making love; you don’t remember either. Then you are being possessed by Tantra energy. And then for the first time you will see a non-technical experience.“

– Osho

Bath your bones….fascia and water in body…
the movement of Life..
the lineage of love
you are intelligent water moving on land!

The fluid presence in our bodies is our fundamental environment, we are the moving water brought to land!
The human body has been spiraled from the vortical tendency of living water, an extension of the primordial ocean, appearing seperate, but maintaining constant resonance.
We are in perpetual rapport with all fluid systems everywhere in the universe.
Our bodies contain the memories of all that has been- a historical record of the original swirl, residing now in our fingertips. Humans can be seen a s undulating messengers from the stars.

water is not from earth and its 100000 billion of years old
as old as you are……Come HOME!…..and feel it in every cell….download your spirit…..


Meditation hat nichts mit Ernsthaftigkeit zu tun. Meditation ist Verspieltheit.
Deshalb ist mir hier das Tanzen und Singen so wichtig.

Die letzten Tage habe ich bei einem Tango Workshop mitgemacht. Mein Tanzpartner war ein schwuler Kolumbianer, den ich schon seit einem Jahr vom Tanzen kenne. Ah… ich bin verliebt! So ein empfindsamer, lustiger und zärtlicher Mensch begegnet mir nicht alle Tage. Im Moment bin ich aber sowieso irgendwie in alles verliebt, so viele liebe Menschen überall und überhaupt… das Leben ist so schön und so kostbar. Vielleicht ist das der Frühling!? Oder ist diese Liebe eigentlich immer da und alles was wir tun müssen, ist dafür offen zu sein…!?

Es erstaunt mich, wie viele Muskeln man/frau doch beim Tango tanzen benutzt. Nachdem ich zwei Monate nicht getanzt habe, spüre ich den Muskelkater überall, vor allem aber Bauch und Beine. Deshalb ist nun erstmal Dehnen angesagt, dafür schmeiße ich eine meiner Lieblings-DVD’s ein, die Yin-Yoga-Sessions von Paul Grilley. Ich entscheide mich für die Sequenz mit der Wirbelsäule, die geht in eine sehr tiefe Dehnung der Wirbelsäule in alle Richtungen.

Ansonsten esse ich fleissig Wildkräuter, vor allem Löwenzahn, Giersch und Gänseblümchen. Die Brennesseln sind auch bald soweit. Und im Gewächshaus spriesst der Spinat und der im Winter ausgesäte Postelein, der zauberhafte Blüten trägt und nun schnell gegessen werden muss.


Elbgängerin . Ein Hamburg-Blog.

Kaffee & Kapital

Ein öffentliches Gespräch zu unserer Demokratie

Dan McCaw's Art Blog

Visit us at

Quilombo Queer

Festival Internacional Tango Queer Barcelona 25-29 Mayo 2016

Alyssa Marie

Online artistic portfolio of Alyssa Marie ::: Theatre/show updates and reviews ::: Blogs about art and life!

@ bittersweet diary

Floating thoughts, A place where my beautifully weird thoughts floating around in my mind are posted.

Rueda de Colores

Mixed media, art journaling, scrapbooking, paper craft

Baibakov Art Projects

a platform for contemporary culture in russia and abroad


Boutique Art for your Environment


Just another weblog

Noel Murphy

painting & drawing

minor art master

My art journey journal

BlackAlbyno Painting

Oil Painting - Inspired by beauty, madness and music mostly. Available for commissions.

Art blog - Nadia Baumgart

Fotos- Natur- Aquarelle -Rottal-Inn - Lokale Events


The end of the world as we knew it.


Acryl - Oel - mixed media - Malerei

Looking Through Lens

Seeing the world with an extra eye!

Art & Photography Today

A dash of contemporary art & photography, daily.


"Find what you love and let it kill you." – Charles Bukowski

Art Experts

Art Experts reviews rejected paintings, researches art, and provides art authentication and art appraisal services.

Marlene Lowden

artist & educator

Brandi Dayton Art

mixed media artist

Olga Furman Art

There is an artist in each of us

Cathy Hegman Art and Life

Art and Life...the lines and marks that connect and form existence

Kunstakademie Blog

Der Akademie und Kunst Blog

The Search for Beauty

One artist's journey to understand beauty

DG Paints

Tips, lessons, and other musings on the art life

Ronald Engert's Logbuch

Suche nach Wahrheit


Paintings, colouring-in and stuff



outside authority

Creativity in my other life

Be Inspired! ...and Get ArtQuenched!

Quench Your Creative Thirst

A Year of Me

An Artist's Journey

Drawing connections

Drawing. Seeing. Learning.

Rama Ink.

Living inquisitively.


playing in paint is my happy place